A contest and/or a sales promotion is the perfect opportunity to push the sell-out and increase brand perception. In both cases, the product isn’t devalued.
Indeed, in these dynamics, the consumer is rewarded with a benefit, for example, a post-purchase discount, a great prize or a refund.
Contests and sales promotions are dynamic and complex marketing actions that establish direct contact with the final consumer, a strong communicative moment about the product the brand wants to launch or push.
The brand has another strategic and economic benefit: competitions and sales promotions allow the brand to make promotional actions on the product without carrying out a repositioning campaign of the street price on the entire distribution chain.
The appeal is also for the distributions channel: a product that brings with it a tribute to the consumer is a product that sells well in itself.
Besides, the brand can decide to communicate in store the contest or the sales promotion with PoP materials and some figures such as promoters and hostesses.
With Free-Way you can have your Sales Promotion or your contest “plug & play”: you only think about the product you want to promote, we’ll take care of the rest.
We design and manage every aspect of the activity: concept, website design and development, virtual scratch card, rules and legal administration, creation and implementation of PoP materials, logistic and reward dynamic. We also handle the right communication of the activity to the field force on the field for a better impact.
Buy & Win

The democratic contest: when the consumer buys the product he wins! Thanks to this dynamic, the contest Buy & Win has a great appeal. This sales promotion is perfect both online and offline and it provides to boost the sell-out and the sell-in.
Final Reward Competition
The classic contest: the Final Reward Competition creates suspense and various emotions around the product. The fate decides the winner and in Free-Way the fate stays in professional process and extractions that are certificated by ministerial officials that guarantee the regularity of the win.
Instant Win
The Instant Win is the contest where the consumer discovers immediately if he wins the prize or not. The dynamic is the virtual Scratch Card: the consumer uploads the purchase information on the dedicated platform, so he can play with the scratch card using his finger on the smartphone screen or with the mouse on his PC. In a few minutes, he discovers if he is the winner.
Rush & Win
The Rush & Win is the contest for “fast” people: established the number of winners and the prizes, the first consumers that register on the website win. This contest is perfect also for offline interaction: the winners are consumers who arrived as first at the store. Free-Way manages every aspect, also the winners’ certification thanks to the presence of the ministerial officials at the store or for the verification on the website.
Sales Campaigns
Cashback e Trade In
Cashback is the Sales campaign that allows you to establish a relationship with the final users. The consumer receives a post-purchase discount, upon registration on the dedicated website, according to the concept of redemption.
This type of Sales Campaign can be redesigned as Trade In when the brand wants to encourage the consumer to buy a new product with the possibility of getting rid of an old one and obtaining a direct discount. Both these dynamics strongly push the sell-out of new product lines. For this reason, they have a great commercial appeal on the distribution channel.
Buy & Try
The Sales campaign that will convince the most suspicious: the product can be tried for a period at the end of which the user can decide whether to keep it or return it and obtain a direct refund. Sometimes, letting the product be tested freely is the best choice to make consumers fall in love with the brand, even the most difficult ones!
Are you looking for an incentive program?
The incentive programs based on incentive dynamics for more purchasing (Incentive B2C) or more KPI/Target achievements (Incentive B2B). As rewards, the brand can choose tangible goods, discounts, virtual gift cards, travel, and many other gifts. Moreover, B2B incentive programs can be built as a business catalog or with field marketing activities as rewards to encourage the sell-out of the trade and the business of brand too.
We’ll take care of the reward!
If you are undecided on how to reward your target, don’t worry: Free-Way has a sea of solutions for your prizes. Travel, devices, discount methods or shopping with Free-Way Gift, the platform where the user can buy gift cards for various online and physical retailers. The perfect reward to meet the different needs of your target and to eliminate the logistics costs of the prizes.